
You've been randomly selected to test a brand new Apple device or a Cash prize! Spin the wheel to find out what you'll get

Additional testers wanted still: 11

lucky Wheel

You have 02 Minutes and 47 Seconds  to claim this offer before we give your gift to another happy user! Good luck!

Сhoose one of available rewards

Due to the limited supply, your reward was reserved for 10 minutes . If you do not claim your cash during this period, it will be given to the next lucky visitor

Cash Prize: $ 5,500
Cash Prize: $ 2,500

Choose one of the following prizes quickly!


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Never thought it could be so easy to win! I just spun the wheel and got an iPhone 11. After submitting my phone number I got a message a day later to receive my new iPhone.

·Reply ·1m

Won 1 free spin and no prize :( Wish I could have a 2nd chance

·Reply ·1m

Did anybody won something in this sweepstakes??

·Reply ·1m

Never won something! Just my luck..

·Reply ·1m

I was not sure if it was true or not, but I received my iPhone 13 today!! 😍 amazing 🔥 🔥

·Reply ·1m

Can you help me? I just won an iPhone 11! What should I do now?

·Reply ·1m

How does it work? I won an iPhone SE some years ago and all my attempts afer - unsuccessful...

·Reply ·21m

What da hell? The wheel is not working..

·Reply ·1m

Wish I could win the iPhone 13

·Reply ·1m

Never trusted such sweepstakes

·Reply ·11m

I don't know why I need the ipad, can I have the iphone instead?

·Reply ·31m

I can't believe it's real.. got my apple watch today. Thanks God

·Reply ·11m

After I won something I have to confirm my phone number? Right?

·Reply ·21m

I am just letting you guys know I did recieve my iPhone and I can't wait to use it. Never thought it was a real sweepstake!

·Reply ·31m

I just entered my phone number in the form and now I am unboxing a new iPhone! It is definitely the best gift I ever won. Does anyone know similar sweepstakes? I want to try my luck!

·Reply ·41m

4 attempts and can't win... it's ridiculous

·Reply ·51m

I think nobody wins here. I tried this more than 10 times and never won something..

·Reply ·81m

Can you win a mac book?? I don't need phones or watches..

·Reply ·102m

I got a message in few days after I won. Just relax and have patience.

·Reply ·193m

WOW. I won an Apple Watch. I confirmed my phone number and what know? Should I just wait?

·Reply ·324m


You have been randomly selected to test and win one (1) Apple device or another prize

Click 'OK' to try your luck!